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Welp Just finished the Rajt exploration part. And PHEEEWWW, I'm really simping for pyrrhus, it sucks not obtaining the skills when taking his path. Will MC be able to meet him again after the heist arc?

no comment 😁

Hi, I know your busy with the new project but will you still be updating/polishing oihs? Would really love to see the cg for lord Byron and the inn keeper's scenes.

i'm not quite sure if i will or can, but i do want to




PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Make Sverocat a recurring character! He's hot and madly in love with MC.


is there a pathway where you can romance zad?


not in volume 1 😁


I guess now is a good time to continue reading seing as there won't be more updates for a while, well as long as the battery recharging hiatus/other VN is ongoing.

Question: All male characters?... or can you pick female or something?


Yes, all male characters and you can't pick female. But this is good.. it's only 19 days ago and i miss this so much already

(1 edit) (+3)

F**K my favourite game so far great art style great characters and great story I hope you continue (please continue 🙏). OIHS


I've read quite a bunch of VNs from this site, and not gonna lie, this one is on the top 5 for me.

The history is good, the characters well written, the scenarios are good.

If i had one thing to complain about would be the different art styles that sometimes appear, but even then, to me it's not a big drawback.

Hope this project continue going on, it have potential to reach the top ranks if well managed.

thank u!

yes, i've finally settled into a style, so those discrepancies won't appear for future instalments 👍 thanks for tolerating them!


this is literally my favorite game, thank u. 😌


Hi, Can you make the font bigger? It's hard to read.


Please bring the serial killer back and let me have crazy boyfriend fantasy 😂😂😂😂

(1 edit)

I believe I got all three key pieces, but at the outcome, I only said I have 1.













(3 edits)

I think it depends on how you get the key and who helped you to get it! For example, i got the key from pantry by taking help from cat girl. So even I found 3, I only have 2.



I’ve got problems w the download (android), it downloads but then it says “app not installed” 


Maybe your storage is full. I had that problem, too. Also it isn't because of the space sometimes. I just needed to turn off the protection on playstore then I was able to install it😘


I don't know if it's been brought up or if it's already planned, but I'm really hoping I can persuade the Sverocat to be my pet instead. He's kinda cute and I have a big soft spot for big cats in general.

Just finished chapter 1. Amazing story, loved every second, but what about all the friends we banged on the way?

*Spoiler for Rajt dungeon*

I was personally looking forward to seeing the Hobgoblin again (don't wanna break a promise, after all) on top (or bottom :3) of the sverovcat too. Poor kitty just wants a partner ;~;

I agree I would love to go back to the dungeon and meet the Hobgoblin again for a second time and I would love it if the servo cat could be a reoccurring character

(6 edits) (+1)

I'm kind of like you, Orange. I discovered and played your VN 3 years ago when it was just a short smut story, and I enjoyed what kind of game it was at the time.

But now that we've reached this? I don't even know what to say. This is just incredible, the way it has evolved so much, and the way I've been able to follow along as it grew. I think this was the first VN that I discovered in its very early stages and have followed all the way to the end of the first volume. I was ecstatic when I saw that it had been updated for the first time, and it has been an exceptional journey since.

I'm excited to follow along with your future productions, regardless of how different they may be from OIHS!

thank you for ur enduring support! ^^


hi! where in the game is the pregnancy content?


Seriously, I don't know how else to cover them

If you visit the farmhouse enough you get to see something about the farmer dude having an affair with another woman and she's pregnant or something, if that's what you're talking about

oh,why would they need to put that in the content list then


Bad End Spoilers

A couple bad end scenarios have m-preg. Something where the skill system adapts the character's body. It's non-canon or something and the "System" drops you right back at the decision that preceded it once the ending plays out.


My man just wanted to be a goblin matron, didn't have to downvote him xD


Words are not enough to describe how amazing OIHS is. This last update was truly incredible, I was on the very edge of my seat the whole time! x'D

Thank xou sooo much for all the hard work xou've put into this sensational project!!! ^^_



I think I have 3 keys now what? 


The conclusion for the heist is in the next update


Oh thank you I'm very excited  I don't mind waiting! 

(1 edit)

Hey i found two out of the three keys. I don't know were the third is. I thought it was in the study but the option is wip. Please tell me it's somewhere else I really don't want to wait another month to find it. Got the one from noble treasure room. And one from the mage in the library. I don't know where the third one is. I think I've checked every room at least once. So not sure what to do next

the last key piece you're missing is in the pantry

I could sworn i looked there I'm gonna have to check it again

I have all the keys. How do i finish the hiest? Or is that next update?

Yes, it will be in the next update


How to get the two req scenes in the prison, 1.) when they threw me in the cell. 2.) Area 3. and how do I pass the skill req in Port? where the old guy in brothel took my pants off to see my hole


This is what i did i saved the prison and brothel for last. You get skills from doing stuff at the other locations. You want to acquire those skills first then you should be able to do prison and brothel guy without issue

Yeah but I still don't have them and I continued the game even if I didn't acquire the requirements (scenes&skills). ):


I really like you 😍 

You always improve everytime I mean like your always active on updating.

Hope to see more of your games in future


WoW, What a wild ride! Didn't expect you could pull it off just like that!

It's amazing How OIHS has improved overtime, and how you so brilliantly grow as a game developer (drawing, writing, plotting, etc. And your smutt never fall off). Love every bit of it.

Only complain: in the last few NFSW scenes where MC is raping the nobles, it feel so Forced just to fit into serving as "plot device", that break immersion greatly. Those doesn't vibe well with the whole premise of rest of the game. Maybe makes them more subtle in the future?

Anyway, can't wait to see what you craft next!

Excited at the possibility of another max dominate Baddie (Yes, Pyrrhus is my favorite)

Can anyone tell me how to success the swamp the lizard man???


You can't. The plot requires that you fail, sorry


I always read this as ohio lmao 


Hey i just noticed this game was just re uploaded as a new game im not sure if its legit.


Its been taken down


thanks for informing me!


Alright, I finished everything that's been released publicly now, and I gotta say: damn this game is good. I really like the approach this game took toward the Seduce mechanic, it's super interesting. And it was all very hot of course. I feel kinda surprised actually; I enjoy a good nsfw game, but this game surprised me with it's wonderful characters, world building, and plot. I had a lot of fun playing though it.

If there was anything that I found unsatisfying about the game, it's that you're limited in the ways you can approach sexual encounters. I know you're already planning on adding top content, but as a bisexual I'm a little sad about being restricted to only men. I'm not asking for female partners here, since it's pretty clear that this game is marketed towards gay men. I just think it would be pretty cool if I could, I dunno, make being bi a part of my game character? Even if my character never acts on it I'd like to have the choice. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Oh, and will it ever be possible to romance anyone? I really like Alexi, he is very cute.

(2 edits) (+2)

very glad to hear that you enjoyed oihs! :D and yes, unfortunately the story has always been intended to be strictly mlm. i have considered including more options in future projects though, both for female partners & to play as a female mc! we'll see 👍


Quick question, is it actually possible to complete the Swamp quest? I got the impression that it's not and the failure is supposed to teach you something but I don't actually know and it bothers me. I tried doing a bunch of stuff before doing the quest and I haven't figured out if any of it changes the outcome. Did I need to finish the prison arc first?

(3 edits) (+2)

no, the swamp quest is impossible to succeed. and you're very right that the failure means something 👍  perhaps it'll become clearer later in the story with regards to what that frustration with failure may say about the mc (and the player...?)

(1 edit)

Desperately need a walkthrough for Rajt I can't seem to find the key pieces

Is the last key piece available?

all 3 key pieces have been implemented as of 0.26


Where's the kitchen event? I mean Which place should I go to find it???

the kitchen is found at the royal courts, which the player can access in the heist arc (go back to ur room at the inn and check there)

(1 edit) (+2)

latest update spoilers

I got around to doing the update and now my heart is conflicted beyond anything I thought possible. can I change my fate? will I be an exception to those before who fell to what was foretold? will my friends be ok??? is it because I enjoy collecting the skills? if I collected less and avoided the encounters, could I change what the cards told me? I don't want to become a monster who controls all simply because I can.... I want to be a friend to those I care about in this :(






So I've been trying to get [seduce: redirection] but for some reason Idk If I just haven't gotten the right event but i have visited the marketplace in rajt and no options appeared for me I do have [artifact intuition] but the option didn't appear. But I was able to get the sex scene with the bodyguards so idk??? I've already restarted the game and tried following the skill guide but still didn't show up for some reason. 

Unless there's another requirement I don't know about.

hi, sorry for the confusion! i've updated the skills guide appropriately to make it clearer:

  • u don't obtain the skill directly at the marketplace itself
  • instead, ur encounter with the merchant at the marketplace will cause him to invite u to the three bucks at the residents (only if u have the [artefact intuition] skill)
  • go to residents and select "visit the three bucks". u should see the encounter that gives u [seduce: redirection] there

Oooh ok it worked thanks!

(1 edit)

Does anyone have a detailed guide for Rajt?

not sure if it's as detailed as u want it to be, but i have a guide for all the obtainable skills, which should be enough for u to navigate through rajt. it's available on this page (see the devlog or the faq)

I will check that out. Thanks!

that would be nice

(1 edit) (+1)

I kinda don't like the new Sephani sprite (after the dungeon), idk it's technically superior, I admit that but I prefer the old one so much better, she had more personality and I liked it, this just feels like a random girl in a bikini for some reason, kinda takes me out of the immersion :( .


thanks for the feedback! sepheni's sprites change throughout the vn mostly because i was still learning and experimenting with various art styles. the 3rd and most recent one should be what i'm sticking with. when (if?) i finish revamping oihs, the old sprites will all be replaced with the most recent one so that there's no more continuity issues

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi guys! I'm going to make a guide of the sex scenes in this game similar to the one that I've already made for Lustful Desires. I'm wandering if it makes sense to specify for every sex scene if it contains things like bestiality, mpreg and others. For example: if you don't want to be envolved in any bestiality scene, does it means that you can't acquire some skills, and you can't advance in the game, or are those evitable without repercussions? 

Another question: are all skills necessary to advance the game or some of them are optional?


thank u! and no, there are no skills that are necessary to advance the main plot. but u will be locked out of certain scenes if u don't have the pre-requisite skills for them


I so need that, thank you, Ben! 

I was under the impression we were going to have some kind of turn limit... eventually to advance to... whatever the next part is going to be.

That guide would be appreciated though.


Nope, I have encountered nothing resembling a turn limit. I've selected pretty much every option I can find, revisited locations (and replayed scenes), and as far as I can tell gone through every part of Rajit... And never has a limit been placed on me. 

If there is a turn/time limit, it's very generously large.


"Going to have".  I didn't say it already has one.


How do I get fucked by the satyr pls and thank you <3

I also wanna know this

not implemented yet 

Deleted 253 days ago

same question here.


you need [Seduce: Redirection], which you can get from a sexual encounter with the merchant in the marketplace


oh I see, thank you.

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